Thursday, 11 June 2015

Medical Scooter Awareness Program

Medical Scooter Awareness Program planned for

several locations this summer

The Acquired Brain Injury Program at Sun Country Health Region is pleased to offer the Medical Scooter Awareness Program this summer in a location near you. Several communities have been selected so far, and others can be added. 
The safety program to inform the public about the best operating procedures for the scooters can be held indoors or outdoors, in a health centre, parking lot, mall or a blocked-off street. The program takes 1-2 hours and is provided at no cost. 
Information provided at the sessions includes safe operating, and the “rules of the road” according to Saskatchewan Government Insurance. For instance, scooter drivers are designated as pedestrians and must use sidewalks whenever possible. 
Scooters are becoming more common in the Region as the scooter provides increased independence for users. Safety has become a growing issue as the amount of road traffic increases. 

If you or a loved one use a medical scooter or are thinking about purchasing a medical scooter, please consider attending one of these sessions. 

1. Redvers Health Centre, June 19, 11 a.m. 
2. Moose Mountain Lodge, Carlyle, June 26, 10 a.m. 
3. Lampman Curling Rink, June 26, 1:30 p.m.
4. Bengough Health Centre June 24 10 a.m. 
5. Coronach Health Centre June 24 1 p.m.

Dates for sessions in Weyburn and Estevan are still being determined. 
Alternatively, please contact Paula Ealey, ABI Coordinator at 306-842-8315 to arrange an additional location